The most commonly asked question after booking a session is, "What should we wear"?
To help answer this question, I've created a pinterest board with some examples of outfits that will go perfectly with most any background setting! You can find it here.
Avoid dressing 'matchy matchy'. This means, do NOT all wear white t-shirts and jeans. The best thing to do when planning outfits is to pick coordinating colors. It often helps if one person is wearing a pattern that pulls the rest of the family together. Take a look at these outfits below and notice how nicely the different colors of each outfit compliment each other.
My all time favorite color combo is navy, white + jean. I usually will throw in an additional color such as light blue, lavender, salmon, light pink or a darker pink (think rosewood or blush).
Pretty much any variation of dark or very light blue is going to look great with the sunflowers. Any variation of red (marroon, wine, etc.) + rose pink with a splash of navy or gray are always a great option for fall! You can never go wrong with black, white + jean for pretty much any setting.

Avoid large logos and graphic on t-shirts! This is a huge distraction from the adorable smiles of your children (and you!)
Colors to avoid. Stay away from green. I would also avoid any neon colors. These are not ideal colors for the any setting and tend to make your beautiful faces the same color.
Shoes! Don't forget that your feet will be part of your family photos too! It's worth it to put your kiddo in some cute solid color shoes or flip flops that will go well with their outfit, leave the bright colored light up playground sneakers + Nikes at home.